Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Using Indoor Playground Equipment As a Family Attraction

Adding an indoor playground as a family-friendly attraction is great for businesses that see kids of all ages. Families are one of the most important and consistent customer groups and add more business through ticket purchases and patronage.

Age-appropriate indoor play equipment is essential to the safety of kids. It’s also vital to follow the CPSC’s guidelines for potential fall heights.


A big advantage of commercial indoor playground equipment is that it can be used all year round. Especially in areas with extreme weather conditions, indoor play can be a lifesaver for children and parents who would otherwise have to find other activities during the season.

A new trend in indoor playgrounds includes the addition of more nature-themed elements. Rubber rocks and boulders, plastic caves, and even tree trunks are now commonly found on indoor commercial play structures. These naturalistic elements can help kids connect with the outdoors in a safe and supervised environment.

Many different types of sensory play are also becoming popular with kids of all ages. These can include sensory play panels that help kids learn visually, auditory, or with their hands. For example, dinosaur fossil digging equipment helps kids develop fine motor skills by letting them dig through dirt to uncover a fossilized toy.

It’s important to regularly inspect and Indoor Playground Equipment maintain indoor commercial play equipment for entrapment hazards. Tiny tears in nets, loose foam blocks, or other issues that seem minor now can become major problems if left unchecked. Regular inspections can help avoid costly repairs and keep your business running smoothly throughout the year.


Children play differently at different ages, and equipment should reflect this. For babies and toddlers, the focus is on exploring their newly acquired mobility and curiosity. A safe indoor playground should offer plenty of opportunities to crawl, walk and take their first steps. For preschool-aged kids, it is important to create equipment that allows them to practice teamwork and problem solving skills. It should also offer an opportunity to develop their imaginations. Small slides and climbing elements provide age-appropriate challenges.

The type of material used for indoor playground equipment also impacts its longevity. For example, plastic is a great choice for components that kids crawl over and slide down, but it requires more maintenance than metal. Wood is a more durable option that can withstand the weight of many kids and adults. Metal is also long-lasting, but it must be regularly sanitized to prevent mold from growing on its surfaces.

A dedicated staff is essential for the successful operation of an indoor playground. It should be trained in the proper use of playground equipment and be aware of safety protocols. It is a good idea to post helpful signage throughout the facility to promote cleanliness and safety. Providing litter receptacles is another way to encourage visitors to keep the facility clean. Lastly, routine upkeep can catch problems like loose bolts before they escalate into larger issues.


A well-designed indoor playground must meet international safety standards for children. These standards address issues like soft and impact-absorbing surfaces, rounded edges and secure fastenings. In addition, it is essential to inspect equipment regularly to identify any potential hazards. Moreover, a clear evacuation plan is crucial in case of emergencies. It is important to communicate this to your staff and to post it clearly throughout the facility.

Entrapment dangers are a concern with many types of indoor playground equipment. Look for spaces between components, gaps in the ground, and holes or openings under ladder rungs, guard rails and other equipment parts. Make sure there are no areas where a child’s head could become trapped. Also, check all surfaces for wear and tear or deterioration and make any necessary repairs.

Lastly, the facility should be stocked with first aid supplies, including bandages and antiseptics, ice packs and disposable gloves. It is also a good idea to have an automated external defibrillator (AED) on site. It is a good practice to check the condition of all these items at the start of each working day, as they can be impacted by heavy use.

Ensure that staff have line of sight to all elements of the indoor playground, and that there are plenty of monitors on hand at any time. This will prevent children from interacting inappropriately with one another and reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.


In addition to offering a safe, fun environment, indoor playground equipment also helps kids develop emotional growth. They learn amusement park in the mall independence through navigating challenges and reaching small goals in these environments. This nurtures a sense of self-worth and teaches problem-solving skills as they play together with their peers.

A new trend in commercial indoor playground equipment is sensory play, which helps children learn through a variety of ways. Some are kinesthetic learners, while others might learn better through auditory, visual, or tactile means. This type of learning is particularly beneficial to kids who struggle with traditional academics or are unable to learn through rote memorization. For example, a dinosaur fossil digging activity provides children with hands-on tools to help them understand and memorize facts about dinosaurs.

The design of your indoor playground should be eye-catching and appealing to kids. Licensed designs, custom pieces, and abstract shapes are all great options. You can also incorporate interactive panels, educational games, and reading corners to appeal to kids of all ages.

Before you finalize your design, make sure to consider budgetary constraints and goals. Ensure that your budget includes all fees associated with opening and maintaining the playground, including insurance, utilities, staff salaries, maintenance tools, cleaning products, and marketing.

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